this is a pretty interesting column by howard kurtz about a war between my fellow creators columnist susan estrich and the editorial page editor of the la times, michael kinsley. the debate is about the percentage of female writers on the op-ed page. the numbers are pretty damning, though better at the lat than the byt or washpost. but estrich comes off sounding unbelievably, stupidly vicious, and disingenuous too when she says it's not personal or whatever. also of course she's got an iron in the fire. (well so do i: the latimes buys my column, though they've not run it in months, i believe. on the other hand i have appeared on the page dozens of times. on the third hand hardly, since kinsley's arrival.) but one had better consider that it eyeballs like the source of all the e-mail is kinsley and maybe he is not fully capturing his own tone in the conversation.