this , from ace of spades, is so incredibly wrong-headed. why the hell would anyone be pissed off at wikipedia ? i use it all the time, though no doubt some sabotage or mistakes can slip through. when i read an entry on something i know about it is invariably accurate. if ace doesn't know "really what the hell it's supposed to be," i'll tell him: it's the future of reference: a cooperative enterprise of thousands of people, most composing or correcting material on which they are experts. it makes brittanica or whatever look primitive: the way it is made (as a wiki) is a way to approximate the state of human knowledge as a whole. the only way, in fact. and a way only made possible by open access to the encyclopedia. i think too, that if these spades punk wikipedia, they will learn how resilient it is, though why anyone would take a hostile attitude toward it is beyond me: for heaven's sake at least explore and think about it first.