few quick comments on today's supreme court decisions:
(1) the ten commandments cases are probably decided in a pretty reasonable way. a judge sticking a big 10 command sign in his courtroom in ky is telling you: i'm gonna judge you biblically, not by the laws of the united states. and note: it's a list of laws but also an assertion of the supremacy of the judeo-christian god. but i personally am not gonna go crazy about some 10 command plaque on the grounds somewhere.
(2) i'm not that upset about the failure to review the judith miller/source case. i'd like to see protection for journalists. but this is the worst case ever in this regard, where the "source" was, like, dick cheney's office, trying to kill their political enemies by using reporters.
(3) file sharing i guess is too good to be true in a culture in which everything is owned and ownership is everything. still, a sad outcome.