like a lot of folks, i've been watching all day the president-elect is a captor story. so far i tend to think it's true. in a way it's a yawn except that it is likely to affect profoundly the domestic american political situation. it matters so much because the hostage situation was a signal moment and emblem of american humiliation (cf defeat in vietnam) which the republicans have dedicated their political lives to redressing, and to the symbolic redressing of which they owe their political identities and successes ever since. remember that reagan owed much of his victory in 80 to the "crisis." now all of this is extremely ironic because, for example, ollie north and co were negotiating with the mullahs and, er, arming them, in exchange for the release, while carter actually tried special forces-type action. also, whatever anyone tells you, the bush admin cannot possibly be thinking of military action against iran: we can't even handle iraq, and we would get our, um, asses kicked very very badly. still: it changes the whole dynamic to country-under-siege, us-against-the-world, republicans saved our asses. it gets maybe jeb elected etc. it will be huge. huge.