one thing to think about in relation to a lurch left in latin-american politics, starting with chavez, thinking about elections in mexico, bolivia, chile, the mood in brazil, etc: the cia is now exactly where it was in the sixties and seventies. you perhaps recall that the elected president of chile, salvador allende, committed suicide in the presence of cia agents by shooting himself a couple of dozen times in the back. we replaced him with the glorious pinochet, on whose regime the american administration has modeled its black site program. the american state these days is in full-throttle abduction/assassination/junta mode, and you know, for example, that they are all over chavez's venezuela, at a minimum doing the disinformation thing. chavez is a demagogue, but you would be an idiot to dismiss his assertions that the u.s. has floated various ideas for killing him or replacing the regime with someone more oil-friendly to the neocon world.