Crispin started it last spring by citing his students writing as reasons why we should all start learning some other language, because our's no longer works. At the time, I had a bunch of relatively literate graduate and undergraduate students, so I was able to gloat. Not this term...
I hope things have balenced out, but entropy being basically a downhill slide to the downside, I doubt it. As an instructor in adult education and in management, my students don't necessarily get to butcher the thoughts of things we all care about. However, this particular gem needs to be shared with the world...
'If the job analyst has not actually
seen the employee perform the job, the job analysis may not be of much use to
the employer. Only depending on the job
holder’s description of their job in the case of the interviewing method, may
not hold up in a court of law, if a situation goes that far (HR
Guide, 2005).
As in
any situation, there are always disadvantages to any advantage."
There is wisdom there, kind of...