While not quite as damning as Condi's admission that she believed the title of the August 2001 Intel Briefing was "Bin Laden determined to attack the United States," the latest revelation about Katrina is making Crusader Mike roll his eyes. The White House knew that the lousy thing was probably going to drown New Orleans. They just didn't do anything about it. Homeland Security knew, and told them.
You know, with Ray Nagin and Pat Robertson vying for looney of the year over God's anger resulting in the flood and with the attention span of the American people at the level of sugar-enhanced 9 year old ritalin addicts, it's hard to remember how crazy the entire world went over Katrina. Kind of like a new Star Wars movie, only a good one this time, in a bad way. To recap --
- Dubya Tse-Wha? stayed at Crawford and chopped brush; Dickie C stayed in Wyoming and shot lambs or whatever the hell he does
- FEMA and Homeland Security in general played pass the sausage
- The Military went on alert to help but forgot to remind Homeland Security and the President that they had assets in place to help while the Louisiana assets that would normally help were in Iraq
- We got to observe a little bit of the hell that occurs in other countries routinely after disasters on our own shore.
- Freaking Venezula, Iran and Cuba offered aid to the United States...
Bush has made a big deal out of his CEO background. He conveniently forgets -- if he ever knew -- that he was a failure in the corporate world. As Molly Ivins said, "he was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple..."
Screw ideology. These clowns are criminally incompetent. If the Situation Room knew, the President should have known, and acted. Idiots...