ok. no doubt i begin to think this way at this time in every cycle. but we have got to break the 2 party nightmare. the dems are just idiot enough to nominate hillary. maybe that would be an improvement over the absolutely empty, pointless, contentless campaigns of al gore and john kerry. but it will be an absolutely empty, pointless, contentless campaign nevertheless. meanwhile i don't think the reps are going to actually undergo a revolution, so it's all the slow descent into postmodern fascism from here on in: all surveillance and torture. so now: let me ask a question of john mccain: you've come a long way from prisoner to spokesman for the party of torture. when you lose the nomination, are you you going to go out on the stump with jeb bush to preserve secret interrogation facilities? or are you going to ditch right now? russ feingold: where you at, son? you gonna support another hooray for the patriot act blankman? colin powell: how happy are you to maintain your polite servile uncletom silence? throw these people together with a few more, and you will do in america what they did in israel with kadima: you'll be a majority overnight. and they could do inexpressible good for this sadly fallen country.