"media coverage" is making it tough to conduct the war. i don't know whether i am the media, but it's not really my job to help you conduct your war, boyo. at any rate, i think we are entirely screwed. the place is disintegrating to the point where we don't know at any given moment who is kiling whom, why, where etc. if we try to intervene, we merely add another incomprehensible layer. the idea that we're going to impose order and nurture democracy is now just absurd; they're still talking that claptrap cause they don't know what else to say. the idea that we're going to be drawing down troops cause iraqi units are taking over is just laughable; we'll draw down because we cannot control the situation at all, at which point it's pointless to be there. as due to our intervention we keep running into large piles of beheaded bodies etc, even the trial of saddam takes on a certain absurdity; who wouldn't be just the littlest bit nostalgic at this point for the old iraq?