ever since i did my little american kadima thing, people have been ragging on me re:mccain, and mccain himself seems intent on showing that they're right to do so, evincing a sudden extrme enthusiasm for the bush administration. it would take a lot lot to get me to stop respecting john mccain, and what i don't think people understand is how oppositionally he views himself. it's worth saying that the rest of the republican field is jumping ship as fast as possible. but it is typical of mccain that he mobilizes in your support when your poll numbers go radically bad. that said, i just do not think in his right mind he can continue the kissup, and i'm praying that he comes to realize that there's no real future for him in the republican party. yo russ feingold was beautiful yesterday, and how you could listen to that and then not even want to bring the censure to a vote is beyond me.