so what the hell you doin, profcrispy?
i finished my little anarchy book; still identifying a publisher.
i'm working on a book with material by and about josiah warren, freakish genius and the first american anarchist; i'm pulling all sorts of things from archives that have never been published. i'm also editing like mad with the goal of making warren's bizarre prose readable. i'm retyping all his work including handwritten manuscripts in something that will eventually have a web presence as "the josiah warren project."
in connection, i'm immersed in the history of 19th century american utopias (warren was a participant in new harmony and the founder of number of communities of his own), which is truly a fascinating area of research. i'm in the middle of, among others, john humphrey noyes's history of american socialisms and mark holloway's "utopian communities in america." the lattter is the best brief intro to the subject, though closely based on secondary sources. holloway is very droll about the more fantastic belief systems, waxing particularly sarcastic about fourierism.