Update: By accident, I set this thing to autoplay. I can't involuntarily inflict Finnish Heavy Metal on those of discrete, sympathetic taste who visit Eye of the Storm. The fact that Crispin hasn't tracked me down to kill me for that indicates that he either hasn't checked since I posted it or isn't sure where I am. However, if you are into Finnish Heavy Metal, that 's for you.
Crusader AXE of the Lost Causes here; long time fan, occasional guest blogger. Didn't plan on this one, but if you want to get a clue as to how good Crispin's musical choices are, consider this as prime alternative.l
Anyone who's watched it finds it a sick sort of American idol experience only in sequins and general weirdness. You know, past winners include Celine Dion, Banannarama, Abba, and the Lord of the Dance -- which I saw, and thought very surreal, since it actually had some musical merit and the dancers could in fact dance... However, after these guys, assuming things leap back from the edge as in Rich Little from Steven Colbert, the winner this year will probably be some pigtailed Swiss girl. In a drindle. Singing to Sheep... What's really funny, is that these guys are now Finnish National Heroes. Well, Rock and Roll never forgives. Or forgets...