well, now. they coulda done a lot worse. certainly i would have fucked up in some major way, had i been running for office. tom tancredo acquited himself well, e.g.. do you see how i obsessively pick out the impossible? ok. maybe i was wrong, terribly wrong, about mccain, who should, um, never be president of anything. do you you know how much guts it took to be my man ron paul ? the only anti-war candidate in the history of the republican party. what if ron paul had votes? what if we were still americans? oh never mind. we aren't. ok i thought gravel was problematic, though beautiful.
just to do the ratings. mitt romney always comes off well, and seemed the most comfortable out there. i thought giuliani was ok, but he struggled here and there. huckabee and gilmore, it seems to me, are the likeliest to emerge. one lesson: you can't really have a debate with 10 candidates.