it's kind of interesting: the "israel project," which i expect is a pr operation of the israeli state (they just did a news conference with the israeli ambassador to the us, broadcast on c-span), is the only non-junkable email list i've ever been on. i've been on for years, probably because i used to be a syndicated columnist. they must have an automated deal that generates a new email address from which they send each message, because i've thrown them into my spam filter dozens of times, and the next thing often arrives almost immediately. mossad, baby.
at any rate, i wish hamas would stop lobbing missiles, more or less recognize israel, and enter into negotiations. but more than that, i wish israel would negotiate with hamas and develop some strategy for peace. you know, they really seem to have some kind of equation: one israeli life is worth five hundred palestinian lives. and as johnny rotten would say: no future.