one thing we'd have to say about ruth padel: her work is radical not only in the realm of poetry, but in the genre of email, where she pursues a sort of automatic surrealism.
"ON the CHair, there is still no other nomination except (so extraordinarily) Derek W and me. But thye close on 29th April so another or others may well turnup...
"THere is aupposed to be a book called The Lecherous Professor, which has 6 pages on Derek Walcott's two cases of sexual harassment, which might provide interestigfn copy on what Oxford wants from its professors.. ALl best, Ruth."
as well, she is one of many innovators in the genre of postpostmodernist apology, where you're terribly sorry for being willfully misunderstood:
"I apologise for anything I have done that can be misconstrued as having been against him."