at any rate, you can see the general strategy, of course: use the acts of violence as a way to discredit more and more of the right spectrum. one moves, supposedly indetectably, from the murderer to the nra to limbaugh to, i don't know, susan collins. the bad thing about this is that you're also discrediting things like resistance to tyranny, once you move from the act to the rhetoric, and start drawing lines between the words. obviously this leaves you vulnerable to the same thing. i kind of dig the weather underground, but no doubt you could generate some rhetorical connections between them and...joe biden. one could start tracing words from marx or mao to barack, etc. marx said, for example, that the first phase of the communist consolidation will involve state control of the banking system. this is easy when you're preaching to the choir, but it also will slowly foreclose the possibility of dissent, or of a meaningful public debate about fundamental questions like the scope of government power.