headin off to vermont on a college trip with little sammy.
but i thought i'd leave you with this. it must be really sad and feel futile to have conventional political views. say you're a really good person, and you want to make the world better, and you're an obama democrat. your views are completely useless! you've got nothing to say that thousands of people aren't saying right now in their little condos, coffee shops and wine bars across the country. you've got no column to write that hasn't been written before a thousand times, no witticism to throw down that isn't already incredibly exhausted. through no fault of your own, by the sheer, ahem, coincidence that you believe what everyone believes, your political life is perfectly useless and utterly boring. of course, everything you believe is true, and you believe with tremendous passion and conviction. and yet your believing it makes no contribution to anything; it's a drop of water in the deep blue sea. if we erased you and your passionate convictions entirely, no one could actually notice. it's hard to tell the unanimity from the anonymity, the comfort of rich social connections from another isolated case of redundancy. when god calls you home, he won't be able to identify your soul. but y'all are good people, and he'll wave you through en bloc.