here's the sentence on the opinion page of the nyt , jumping us off into tom friedman's column: 'There is no more “we” in American politics at a time when “we” can only manage, let alone fix, our huge problems if there is a collective “we” at work.' i would just declare my unalterable opposition to this point of view. only the first question is: what language is that? pig latin?
alright, we need we. or at least, you need we. we need to reforge a collective identity. the right wing is fucking with our we, or else we could merge like drops of water into an ecstatic quasi-sexual unity with one another. or: the blender of history, or education, can turn us all into a homogeneous human goop. and here's how we can form a we: you agree with me. then we will be as one! only a we can therefore, you had better acquiesce in obama/friedman globalism etc. it'll be organic and orgasmic!
i don't wanna be me. i've got to be we! wheeee!