but on the other hand it was fun with the anarchists. i was inspired by the young activists, and it amazes me that there actually is an anarchist movement now, as there has not been, i think, in my liftime, essentially. now on the other hand if you call me 'comrade' i get the heebie jeebies, and it's well to remember that anarchism is sometimes the far far left and still hasn't gotten over class even a little, etc. also that, as steven hirsch who studies latin american anarchism informed me, that there isn't any anarchism before the first international (1864) and hence the figures i was talking about (see below) aren't anarchists at all.
in other words there's still a commie/individualist split! but i'm the only individualist. but i was hoping to find some philosophy profs (pathetic, i know), and i at least ran into nathan jun. but i also did see some cool stuff on, like anarchist archeology, or undocumented women and the "liberatory family."
and it wasn't in a tower on a plaza but at the charter oak cultural center, an old synagogue, active no doubt when my jewish forenbears were hanging out in hartford, before the neutron bomb of urban planning scrubbed it entirely clean of the infection of life.