Spamiola- Reporting from Sana'a
yesterday at midnight Fares Mana'a was arrested out of his home in Sana'a, just a couple of days after the London summit. You might think, yeah so what, don't people get arrested there all the time? well, this guy is a real peice of work. He is a known illegal arms dealer, on top of a "blacklist" of warlords in Yemen, smuggling arms and selling them to whoever has the green. It only gets juicier; this man is the head of the mediating committee that was appointed by the President himself between the government and the Huthis. So, there is this guy, who makes money out of selling weapons, hanging out with these guys who want weapons and are willing to pay in gold for them, appointed by President right after he put him on a blacklist.
my first reaction? WTF!!!