you know, i've had the world's craziest week. so today i'm just chillin, blogging, listening to lady gaga ((!) i seem to be in a pop mood), watchin snow blow around. that to me is a good day.
so let me have a crack at this collective consciousness thing. the basic idea would be found in hobbes: the famous frontispiece of leviathan: the sovereign's giant body incorporating all of us, which coincided with the dawn of modern political philosophy. it is just astonishing the permutations the idea has taken: once you look for it it's everywhere all the time: left right and center.
any group or collection of people could be a collective consciousness. it could be a nation, a class, the users of the same language, a gender, a race, all oppressed people, all oppressors, or even absolutely everybody. it could be rousseau's general will, the hegelian state, the dictatorship of the proletariat, social constructionism, pragmatism, feminism, communism, communitarianism, the people, the culture. it could be obama or palin, heidegger, wittgenstein, alasdair macintyre, george herbert mead, richard rorty. it could be progressives, reactionaries, schizophrenics or psychotherapists, bureaucrats or seccesionists, slaves or masters.
ok it's a mistake, but it's not a mere mistake. how people think has a lot to do with their language, for example, and a language is a series of social conventions. you know, french people are different than chinese people. men are different than women. the consensus that is most deeply entrenched is the hardest to see. people have collective decision-making procedures that could allow a number of people all to embrace the same idea or move simultaneously or in coordination in the same direction.
and it reflects a truly deep or the deepest human desire: for merger, with god, with the world, with one another. it's a sexual wish. it's a spiritual wish. it's what you receive when you drift off to sleep or pass out after sixteen shots of tequila: lose yourself, as eminem said. it's what happens in a mosh pit or at an inauguration or in suicide or in sexual ecstasy. it's what happens in front of a great work of art (like "poker face" by lady gaga, haha). it's solidarity. it's you and your mom, you and your child. it's a wedding. your pets. it's god's love and alien abductions etc.
and yet all this yearning would make absolutely no sense if we were already incorporated into a single consciousness. it's what we can't have, or else we wouldn't always be trying to make it happen. right? and the opposite yearning is possible too, of course: to stop agreeing, to stop pretending to be the same, to run away or be alone.
and if language is conventional or social it is also bent by each person, sometimes profoundly. and as i keep insisting, there's more to life or the world than language, such as bodies in space, bodies with space between them. there are mega and micro linguistic communities, in which each node is unique in its particular configuration and relations.
no one literally shares your pain or your annihilation. at least most items of consensus are up for grabs or can be brought to consciousness and attacked. you don't exactly know what i'm thinking or feeling right now, or you don't know it the same way i do, or you could be wrong.
whatever provisional or temporary mergers we achieve with one another we also achieve with trees, animals, dirt, rocks, machines. we don't only experience these through the lens of the social, we experience the social through the lens of them. i'm closer to one with the water that's somewhere close to me than i am with my fellow...whatever it may be. it's around me and through me and it is me.
the collective is...collective: it is each as well as all of us. if individuals are unreal or epiphenomenal, or if "the polis is prior to the individual," then there is no polis, any more than you can have tables but no molecules. we are far less plausibly thought of as one organism than is a nest of wasps or ants: we're more like the big cats. or not, i don't know, somewhere in between. or just what we are.
where you want to get worried is in how the idea of collective consciousness and the yearning for it are used, and how the illusion of collective consciousness is enforced: how your departure from our consensus is not only a betrayal of us but supposedly of yourself, how people are punished for not nodding along. the dictatorship of the proletariat or the nation or the race is going to have to be forged, enforced. people are going to have to be forcefully included, and forcibly extruded. you're going to be tempted to identify the isolated will of you as the collective will of us all, and then reach for a cattle prod or start handing out cash.
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