well, the internal revenue service, on a massive, systematic scale, is engaged in taking your stuff without your permission by sheer coercion, i.e. they are an organization entirely devoted to strongarm robbery, top to bottom, soup to nuts, boss to janitor. however. that doesn't mean you should fly planes into their offices. because i don't think theft should be punishable by death. now on the other hand, what they're stealing your money for is..."the greatest military the world has ever known": a killing machine of unprecedented effectiveness, in other words. (well along with troubled asset relief program.) on the third hand they were helping people in haiti. but anyway, whether or not it's deserved, one might at least get worried about the effectiveness of this particular strategy: not really going to put a dent in the operations, i feel. my personal strategy is to try to pay them whatever they tell me i must so they don't fuck up my life. in other words, my approach is servile capitulation, and if they require me to express my enthusiasm for being arbitrarily dispossessed, well no doubt i'll do that too.