obviously, i am enthusiastic about the idea of having rand paul in the united states senate, and the current libertarian mood/move.
i am kind of sorry to see arlen specter go; i liked his unpredictability and his frankness; one recent example: he was pretty straightforward about his reason for shifting parties; that frankness came back to haunt him in sestak's ad: "I'm switching parties in order to get elected." on the other hand i remember his questioning of anita hill during the clarence thomas hearings: "do you expect us to believe, miss hill, that a man who went to yale law school, an eminent judge etc, would make rude sexual advances or watch pornography?" either remarks like this betrayed a total confusion about the moral power of education and social eminence, or it was a completely absurd defense for specter's own presumed transgressions. at any rate, it betrayed a complete misapprehension of the power of or justification for social status.