At the bottom of the 178 countries Somalia scored 1.1, just below Afghanistan and Myanmar (1.4) and Iraq (1.5).
surely someone somewhere is actually worried about the fact that the countries we invaded and 'liberated' are two of the four most corrupt in the world. we said we brought you this and that: freedom, democracy. what we actually brought you - and i want to say, not entirely by accident - is sheer continuous theft. we liberated you from all your possessions. no matter what he does, no matter what, we back the karzai regime. it doesn't matter if his brother has deposited the gdp in a swiss account. it doesn't matter if he runs entirely crooked elections. it doesn't even seem to matter that iranians are literally plopping bags of cash on his desk. if you think in the long run this is a promising strategy for winning marts and hinds, you're out of freaking mind. it's all gotten much worse and more obvious during the obama administration. everything has disintegrated except our enthusiasm for kleptocracy. maybe we can put one together here; i note that we're dropping down the rankings. wherever in the world people aspire to be robbed and exploited, and in the other places too if there are any, we will be there to make damn sure they are.