honestly, we've got to get beyond the issue of what people are permitted to say. it's just ridiculous and useless, and unworthy of a people who pretend to be free. i can't criticize someone's outfit, or express doubts about the super-excellence of islam without getting fired, suspended, etc. "inappropriate" to these people is the most intense possible expression of moral condemnation, and i assume that eventually we'll understand that what's wrong with serial killers is that they have behaved inappropriately. all it means more or less is that you just said something that challenges our smug consensus. well no not our consensus because no one actually believes the things it is appropriate to say; the enforcement of the informal yet incredibly narrow speech code can make everyone produce the same chains of sounds, but sadly it leaves your little head free to think inappropriate thoughts. don't worry though because pretty soon we'll be able to adjust you from within. meanwhile, the point is just to get us all chanting the same meaningless pablum. i sort of thought we were getting beyond that, but i guess there's no transcending the 70s. after awhile that is all solidarity or justice mean: we are appropriate!