really before we use science to derive a moral system or something, we might want to police it a little bit for extreme silliness. the gap between the self-image and the reality is, at least, kind of hilarious. it would be redundant to punch holes in a "study" like that; it comes with the holes pre-punched. at any rate, arguing with people who are entirely irrational and detached from reality is useless and unkind. rather, one should merely condescend.
ok ok! i'll punch one hole: the left/right spectrum, liberal/conservative way of thinking about the political spectrum is at most 250 years old. our political genes must be mutating pretty quick! tell me that this study does not constitute essentially a congratulation by the "scientists" to the people doing the funding in virtue of their political positions, and a self-congratulation of course.
it would shock me if american liberals were liberals in virtue of their adventurousness and willingness to take chances and have new experiences. now if there were a gene connected to nodding somnolently along with the banal wisdom of large groups...wait there is! that's how frances de waal gets morality out of evolution.