i do kind of regard zizek as a role model: you know, semi-schizo philosopher marries lingerie model; bold counter-intuitive positions, etc. but honestly, these maoists are frigging crackers (badiou too). well of course i guess maybe i'm still prosecuting the anarchist vs marxist schtick that goes back to karl himself and proudhon. still, um, 45 million dead (and that's before the cultural revolution) might give one pause, even if you are a...theoretician. i'm not sure that the inspiring ideals can really compensate for the stench of the corpses. and actually the vision and corpses are closely related: it is totalitarianism pure and simple all day every day and that gets you straight to the rule of delusional idiots such as your hero. that these folks are kind of inspiring a whole wing of the left to return to the era of ideology doesn't really speak well for anybody involved. well zizek isn't coming to confiscate your farm and then impose on class enemies such as yourself that merry incompatible combination: forced labor and starvation. instead he's lecturing here and there. good! but if an actual movement reviving the masshomicidal left does come into focus, we'd better respond with a shitload of well-aimed ridicule and molotov cocktails.