About six insurgents, including at least two disguised in burqas, the full-body covering common among Afghan women, attacked Camp Phoenix at about 6:30 a.m. using Kalashnikovs and explosives, according to Afghan and NATO officials.
it's likely that we've misconstrued the threat as islamism, and that what we really have is a world jihad carried forward by drag queens. jane russells and marilyn monroes - glittering with plastique sequins, full-figured bras stuffed with suicide explosives - are no doubt tottering in spike heels toward targets all over our major metropolitan areas. a tragically misunderstood diva - a judy garland, say - is even more tragic when, instead of declining slowly into miserable addiction, she explodes right in front of your face and takes a public facility and some random civilians along with her. the tears are streaming down my face as i write this. the opera ain't over til the fat lady goes KA-BOOM.