hey i've been blogging for quite some time: since late 2004, as a matter of fact. but anyway eyeofthestorm has gone over 750,000 lifetime page views. there have been some spikes lately. i should keep endorsing airstrikes here and there if i want more traffic: at any rate there were nearly 5,000 views on april 4 for whatever reason, and though the average over the whole life of the blog is 330, we've been doing quite a bit better in recent months (for a long time it was around 150-200). now a day at 800 or 1000 isn't unusual.
there have been about 3,500 total posts, 8,500 comments.
anyway, thanks for reading and commenting and stuff! i don't know what i'd do without this outlet; probably be even more obnoxious to the people around me. i'm sorry if it's gotten repetitive over the years; obviously i have my little hobbyhorses, limited zones of expertise and so on. but so many comments have been useful, sharp, creative, or gotten me thinking in different directions about different things. i'm not a person with a big group of close friends; this community means a lot to me.