so government austerity programs lead to unrest. conclusion? government should keep providing increasing benefits to everyone forever, or face the firebombs. sadly, this entails that the only way to avoid rioting in the end would be never to start on the dolestate. too, too late.
now there are perfectly good objections to specific austerity programs: that they increase income inequality, for example. but the basic dilemma is shared by any government that responds to popular will. consider for a moment the model of human behavior on which we all basically act in our own self-interest (your basic 'economic' model). ok: i vote in my own economic interest. this means that i want ever-more benefits and also ever-lower taxes. good luck.
this dilemma may actually provide the end of the political state. in the end, it cannot possibly do what people want it to do, because what people want it to do is a sheer cosmic impossibility: a miracle.