one of my favorite things about american politics is the hyper-partisan argument about who is more partisan. so say you get debbie wasserman-schultz on your cable program and you ask her why congress can't agree on anything. and she says the democrats tried to come to a reasonable compromise, but the vicious idiots on the other side wouldn't agree to anything because they're pandering to their extremist base. same the other way round. it's meta-partisanship. now i think they should argue about who's to blame for the fact that they're blaming each other for being partisan, etc. this is a lovely example of performative self-contradiction: a hyper-partisan denial that you yourself are partisan. somehow, all these people have forced themselves to became dolts. partisanship is polling badly. conclusion? we can win if we can blame the other side for it. it's devotion merely to political strategy all the way up and down, and what's really cool is that this relentless empty strategic rhetoric makes any decent american hate her representatives and despise the political system and possibly the concept of democracy. well, they certainly are despicable every day, right there on your television set. all they could possibly be trying to do is manipulate you. extreme cynicism is the only humanly possible or even vaguely rational or morally decent response. check out, is my advice to you.