the right's response to occupy is the same as the left's response to the tea party: these are the wrong sort of people. e.g. francis fox piven: "Consistently, the Tea Party sympathisers in American politics today are almost all white, and they are better-off and older than the general population." (obviously francis fox piven is black, poor, and young.) a thousand commentators have said the same, and regarded that as putting an end to the matter. disqualified by your race and income, though it would surprise me if the average income of tea partiers was much above the average. anyway, if 'dirty hippies' etc pisses you off, you might recall the incessant 'tea baggers.' i think that the main distinctions between the two are demographic rather than ideological (you come from the wrong state; you don't even live in a city; you're white(=racist); you're male; you don't drive a hybrid, etc: i disagree with you even when i say the same as you, because i am trying to express the point that i am not you). this is actually almost the only way to account for the left/right split, which is incoherent ideologically. let's say that they will both have similar critiques of both obama and romney, who are competing to raise wall street money. understand that romneyesque republicans and obama-style democrats together did the bailout, e.g.