one of the hardest jobs in america is black conservative. people immediately start squawking 'race traitor.' indeed, attitudes like the one expressed in that piece are exactly the reasons why cain says black voters are 'brainwashed' into voting democratic. the idea that every black person has to have the same leftist poltics started driving perfectly smart people around the bend at latest in the harlem renaissance, when zora neale hurston was more or less extruded completely for not being a richard-wright communist etc. 'brainwashing' is way too pejorative, but the consensus enforcement takes place largely internally. in general, constant policing of a consensus is a good indication that what some group believes is very likely to be false, a claim which is, i believe, demonstrable. on the other hand, conservative tokenism isn't exactly the most liberatory attitude either.
at any rate, the idea that you ought to have certain political opinions in virtue of your membership in a particular social group certainly is the idea that it does not matter whether your views are thoughtful, plausible, or true. you're supposed to generate opinions according to whether they enhance group solidarity, not according to what the views are about, whether there's any evidence for them, and so on. well, for that matter try being a non-left humanities prof, etc.