yes, they fell over each other (obviously, except for paul) in their competition to expunge civil liberties in order to perform the first and most important responsibility of any american president: rolling each of us in bubble wrap and then carefully crating each of us up, nestled in packing peanuts. and then they're going to go to new hampshire and say, 'live free or die, how cool is that?' also it's hard not to see that the neocon wing of the party is going strong; again only paul from one end and perhaps huntsman from the other are dissenters. really it's very much cheney-admin redux, and it's hard to imagine people wanting to go there, though obama might make you yearn for richard perle or whatever.
amazingly, bachmann is helping herself tonight. relatively knowedgable and thoughtful on pakistan and a number of other items. as often you just sit there wondering how paul is in this party. he disagrees with them on everything.
in tonight's debate, rick perry's face looks like it's actually melting. i knew he was made of wax.