people said gingrich was 'peaking at just the right time,' but five weeks out from iowa this time around is not just the right time. caucus evening is the right time. there has already been plenty of time to smack gingrich around, with plenty more coming. folks such as mike barnicle are still mumbling the con wisdom: 'ron paul will never be the republican nominee, much less president of the united states.' maybe not, but life can sneak up even on the conventional wisdom. paul is certainly well-served by the 'consistency problems' of romney and gingrich. and he is building steadily. my slogan would be 'ron paul: raw milk,' a precise description of his persona. but i just ordered a new 'ron paul: restore america' bumper sticker. a bachmann or santorum surge is still possible. i can't imagine how anyone could vote for rick perry for anything, but you never know. i think it is even possible that after iowa or after new hampshire someone could try to hop in (i'm not sure about ballot status in that situation), particularly if paul wins and the 'republican establishment' does a total freak. i do remember the late entry of bobby kennedy in '68, e.g., in a gene mccarthy-caused party freakout.