i do think ryan should clean up on biden. however, i thought the same about obama over romney, as you may recall, and in the familiar way the fact that one thinks ryan is a more impressive person just sets up the fall if it's even even. you know for me it's not usually the gaffes that make me want to slap biden; it's the rattletrap random bullshit. typically he just winds himself up like crazy to deliver something with no meaning, like even in the convention speech where he talked about how much his dad the car salesman respected barack obama...or would have if he'd been alive to see him. possibly. and that's in a speech he's reading off a teleprompter. put him in a senate hearing and the discourse might well devolve into randomly-assembled fragments of directionless enthusiasm. he's so friendly and wants you so much to like him that he just keeps talking and smiling long after the thought, if any, is spent. he wants you so desperately to like him that he can't tell truth from falsity at that moment: a natural politician in other words, a gravitational field of extreme need. yes, i will be blogging, trying to work around o's/yanks.