is anyone else sort of bothered by the idea that women just want candidates to be nice? everyone this morning is saying that maybe men liked that combative thing, but women would be disturbed bcause it was so impolite. maybe i'm just not hanging out with the extremely polite women who never want to engage in or witness a conflict. maybe that is some sort of norm from the victorian era, but for real? now, even if you had a completely retrograde interpretation of gender - or especially if you did - you could read the whole thing differently. see, women say they are looking for a nice, polite, responsible person. but who do they actually screw, eh? answer me that! oh that nasty delinquent etc. so perhaps if one of these guys goes completely off the rails into hyper-aggression and extreme rudeness and macho posturing, he'd poll extremely poorly among women, and get their votes. of course, i would myself never say such a thing, tantamount to an endorsement of manifest destiny.