back from votin out here in latimore twp. voting is always pretty easy in rural america, though there was a bit of a line. it was 100% greying and white, which is a little disconcerting because there is a large latino population out here. we're still voting on paper. there was a woman standing there saying in a notably despairing voice, 'anyone interested in the democrats?' people actually kind of smiled at each other at that. one guy behind me in hunting gear was doing his wrap rap: they're selling the country! it's never been so bad! it's insane! if romney doesn't get elected... people i felt were looking at me funny with my earrings and gary johnson button; i was as diverse as we got, except for the cutest little pair of grandbabies! they did photo-i.d. me; the state of the law on that in pa seems extremely obscure; and there were contradictory notices on the walls inside the polling place. the democratic lady's whiteboard said that you did not have to produce photo i.d. i didn't mind producing i.d, which i think is an important step in keeping minorities from oppressing people such as myself by irresponsible use of the franchise. or by responsible use of the franchise. that's the problem with the country today. pimpin ain't easy. i voted the straight nihilst party line: the only party brave enough to face up and, hence, give up. it's over; nobody listens to techno!