12:07 one thing you should resist the temptation to do now is write the obituary of the republican party. that happens to the losing party after every single election. right there are these demographic challenges (though i'm less impressed by them than some). but i am telling you that there is an ever-renewed wellspring of real conservative sentiment in this country, and not only among white men. this thing where they've supposedly for decades been unable to work out their outreach to latinos, black folks, or even young single women is pathetic. i could write the scripts in my sleep. so could michael steele, for that matter. where is your total operation in the black church? do you really think even rick santorum doesn't work with latino catholicism? i am telling you that these are in many ways fundamentally conservative constituencies; they have only to inflect the image and make real connections. right you are going to have to tone it down on certain symbolic issues; just grab others. why don't you really blow through a completely sincere self-reflective speech on anti-racism? just hit hard on a certain vision of equality = equal opportunity etc. exploit the resentment of some portions of these populations for the very bureaucracis and forms of control that supposedly ameliorate their condition. work in self-reliance, quoting...marcus garvey.
12:00 co and washington have legalized pot. we started screaming for that in 1970. i remember getting gassed in all senses at the smoke-ins. folks, if you think a legal market in two or three states can be contained to those states you are stoned, but not stoned enough. the market in cannabis will be even more flooded than it is with the medical stuff everywhere; prices will come down. anyway, hard to believe!
11:58 gotta say i'm kind of relieved. that mitt romney is repulsive. plus everyone i ever actually hung out with is happy.
10:08 mackaskill wins: i guess maybe god isn't in favor of rape after all.
10:07 hey crusader, off the top of my blog tonight.
10:04 it would have been worth romney's adjustments to the supreme cort etc to see bruce springsteen sobbing. really all his records are like that. he charges admission.
9:52 call nh for obama. it's going to be ok, dems.
9:40 have to say i'm glad that bob casey beat tom smith in pa senate race, though that was obvious. smioth is a mine-owner whose ads featured coal miners paying sterling tribute to his signature on their paychecks.
9:30 the call for sherrod brown and the solid margin in ohio is one of the things that looks good for obama right now. i just think it falls into place even if he loses virginia and florida. michigan, pa, wi: all falling into place.
9:23 the blogging's gonna be weak; just chillin. glen points out that we all used to watch the total popular vote accumulate on the bottom of the screen on every network. we've been flipping through them all all night and no popular vote total of any kind anywhere. this is emblematic, we feel. it's not a national election in so many senses.
8:37 i fondly remember an election night i spent in jamaica. there was gunfire and yelling from all around. it seemed so direct, so human compared to 10 billion bucks in ads.
8:32 fox is definitely the toupee network plus i'd scrub the cake makeup off the blondes.
5:50 once again, my old refutation of the claim that voting for a third party is wasting your vote (or one of many dimensions of the argument).
5:00 seriously my actual prediction for a romney admininstration: we'll be muddling through the mess. also for a second obama administration. it's going to suck pretty bad sometimes; other times not as much. such is our condition, nor is it entirely unsatisfactory.
4:15 martin bashir on msnbc just described a romney victory as 'the real apocalypse.' it's literally hysterical! look you can say romney's a nebbish, a non-entity, a chameleon, etc., but this right-wing extremist threat to the american way of life just isn't plausible. plus it's very not plausible to do both of these things in back-to-back seven-minute segments. but like i say: any club in a purposeless fight, especially if you have a punch like bashir's. goldman-sachs or soldman-gachs? don't let these people work you up into a tizzy.