it is so good that gay marriage passed by ballot initiative in maine and maryland. the anti forces always say that no voters have ever approved it. see i totally read that as a libertarian thing, though i am not simply identifying as a libertarian. but same thing with the pot legalization. completely. absolutely. maybe when i keep saying there is nothing over on that side of the spectrum but more state power i need to qualify that. now y'all think more thoroughly about the welfare state in relation to asymmetries of power. k?
the way i think about marriage - and i say this as someone who has had some really harrowing experiences - is that it's an act of expression, you know? it's your personal public festival of love where you say whatever you can say that expressses the deepest commitment and love you can, in front of people who will be happy with you and also sort of try to hold you to it. right you don't need the state or the church for that, but that could be important too to someone. so i am for it for anyone in any form or by any authority they prefer. but i think again it needs to lose its normative or expected status and be some people's option. the gay marriage thing doesn't challenge the normative status of marriage. ok. one victory at a time; the other is something we're working on bit by bit.