the sequester is already having excellent effects. next time: sequester the entire budget.
seriously, these fiscal cliff things are the most boring crises in the pathetic history of mankind. all they are is a chance for both parties to issue clouds of idiotic rhetoric, each demonizing the other; it is a rhetorical crisis. i am so tired of being relentlessly manipulated; at a minimum, we need a new wave of cleverer or at least fresher manipulators. so anyway, after every single media personality absolutely assures us that there's no way to avoid the thing, there might easily be a last-minute deal; in which case, like the other times, there never was a crisis in the first place. seriously, wake me up when you've got a new approach or something, or when someone transcends the bullshit. meanwhile, if armegeddon breaks out, i'll adjust. or not. in fact, we'll all more or less figure out how to deal with any particular situation the government or the end of the government might provoke.
the democrats don't realize it, but they are systematically constructing an extremely compelling argument on behalf of rand paul. if you ever add any sort of government program, even if it's temporary or whatever, it becomes absolutely essential and there is no possibility that it will ever go away, and the democrats will essentially never permit it to be cut. so, just at a minimum, every new bureaucracy or expansion of the bureaucracy creates jobs, and then, you're going to throw people out of work? so, one rational response would be: alright, if that's your position, we've got to stop right here. not an inch further, or it will never not grow until it devours all.
and i have to say, the progressives' idea of progress is extremely unidimensional; there is essentially only one idea: progress is an ever-growing state or state sector. that's all there is, man, all you have to show intellectually for all that thought and theory and concern since 1848. obviously, the vision of utopia on the horizon is simply state domination of every aspect of every person's life. start over and think better. this course is demonstrably disastrous.