before i do this, let me remark that i am an opponent of murder. ok: whomever is killing prosecutors in texas and possibly prison chiefs in colorado, is - despite some conspicuous moral flaws - an unprecedented badass. after you kill your first prosecutor in texas, you'll have an extreme manhunt on your ass. then if you kill the prosecutor that called you scum and promised to hunt you down - and who of course is aware, like the rest of the law enforcement community, that you might try to kill him - you're in a situation in which there are thousands of heavily armed men with unlimited resources trying to keeel you. maybe this person will be caught tomorrow. but she (i'm speculating that it's a woman, possibly a lingerie model) hasn't been caught yet. in my opinion, this might teach even texas lawmen something about extreme bluster: do it, then brag about it, not the other way round.