watcha listenin to, little crispy? you'll probably be relieved to hear that i'm taking a hip hop break from country. (i'm proud to speculate that i'm the only person in america equally devoted to biggie and tammy; i recommend miscegenaton of taste.) so, turned on by this piece from the guardian, i've been checking out the wave of hip hop from mississippi; i love that whole idea, actually. i like at least some of big k.r.i.t.'s songs, but i'm completely grooved on pyinfamous (jason thompson), who's originally from clarksdale, ground zero of delta blues. the stuff is mellow and positive but real; i maybe have gotten too old for hos and blow. (all that's left is bitches and blunts, harhar.) the beats by are crunchy organic, baby. in fact, i'm teaching a sixth-grade writing class next week at roland park middle school in baltimore, and i'm going to have them write about this song:
this sun dula person is fascinating. is the stuff blues, jazz, soul, gospel, hip hop? kind of makes you realize that that's not necessarily the best question.
oh while i'm at it: