as to the notion that snowden 'has been working for the chinese or the russians all along': first of all, it's an utterly predictable disinformation move. i guess they weren't satisfied with condemning him on the grounds that he's 29 years old, dropped out of high school, is all alone, (and kicked your ass). but ponder for just one second. is this the way a russian spy behaves?: i'll go on every newscast in the world, then start bouncing from country to country as all the world's media follows me about? if the man was working for the chinese, we never would have heard about any of this. the chinese wouldn't reveal that they had the stuff, and the nsa wouldn't reveal that they had lost it. seriously, these clowns can't even come up with plausible propaganda-slanda. so, the government of the united states, as edward snowden has shown, is profoundly evil as well as deeply and pervasively unamerican. but he's also shown its redeeming feature: it's bright as a cinder block.