it took, say, the new york times fifteen years to hop off the standardized-testing fad. a lot of other people too. so here's what i suggest: the next educational fashion that comes along with its droning experts and jive-ass 'data' etc: just snicker and oppose. alright, so maybe 2000-2013 doesn't seem that long. well, it is the entire life of my daughter, her whole education absorbed by your idiot mistake. arne duncan, margaret spellings, michelle rhee and the like should just admit it: no one has any idea how to educate anyone, and that is really not the point of the whole enterprise anyway, which is to acclimatize children to carceral institutions. in virtue of what, exactly, do you claim the right to form the consciousnesses of other people's children? eh? because you are capable of chanting the word 'accountability', and will soon display the ability to chant some other word? because this time you finally figured out how education works, so we should ignore all the bullshit you put down in the etc 1920s, 30s, 40s, 50,s, 60, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s? out my face, ace.