whatever they do to bradley manning, i want to hear his voice. i like assange's statement: revealing important information to the public cannot be espionage. indeed, it is the opposite of espionage. by the way, of course, if espionage is illegal then the us government has a variety of huge bureaucracies entirely devoted to felonious activity. well, that's the very essence of state power, its precise center, its central reality: we exempt ourselves from the rules we impose on you. there are huge sprawling ministries of killing people, taking people's stuff without their permission, and so on and on. try to remember this the next time someone is going all 'rule of law,' etc. it seems impossible, but maybe they believe that they believe it. but they show they don't all day every day on a monumental gigantical scale. this is a very good way to define the state = those exempted from the rules they impose on others, or, institutionalized hypocrisy. literally it's a caste system in every case. people funny boy.
that baby crying is a lot of people's candidate for the first sample. probably not, but in this case you can draw a direct line to dub, dj, and hip hop, so it makes sense.