The Obama administration has decided to preserve a controversial arrangement by which a single military official is permitted to direct both the National Security Agency and the military’s cyberwarfare command, U.S. officials said.
everyone on god's earth, from obama to that guy sleeping under the bridge, will do exactly what general keith b. alexander tells them to do. he can have any appointment he wants, or all appointments simultaneously. no one has ever had more leverage, with the possible exception of god. but his double command is fully apropriate, i feel, for nsa director cyber-warfare ultra-commander four star general keith b. alexander is, at the explicit direction of the 'president' of the 'united states', waging cyber-warfare on the american people. sometimes it's hard to tell the terrorists from the terrorists.
i have thoroughly pawed through general keith b. alexander's history. did you know he's not actually an american citizen? romanian, baby. i saw his secret real birth certificate when i opened up his hard drive. his parents were, like him, stalinists, and he has fully realized their vision. not too many people know this, but his dad had the distinct honor of being official fellater to nicolae ceaușescu.
don't get me started on his mom, for once i'm on his mom, i never stop until i get off. so that'll be another post.