i thought perhaps i'd hit you with some of my own greatest hits, in my own opinion:
nypress (later a version in harper's): al gore and nothingness
creators syndicate/latimes: the spirit of exploration lives on (in the same vein, latimes/all things considered: marshall tito puente)
philly inquirer: headless human clones
reason: gigantism
latimes: the genocidal killer in the mirror (this seems to be reprinted in writing textbooks? i get email about it from teachers and students every year). also the soul of the terrorist
philly inquirer: mathematical proof that the stones are better than the beatles (got me on howard stern, cnn, etc: my 15)
manifesto of sartwellianism and the atlantic, against consensus
nypress: if i were a murderer i'd want to be joanne
stephen hawking, the takedown and against physics and more