You know who Crusader AXE of the Lost Causes really misses right now? Hunter Thompson? Well, yeah. Molly Ivins. Well, yeah, of course. But another voice we no longer hear commenting is Warren Zevon. Waddy Wachtel, the great session guitarist and lead player was a close friend of Zevon and related troubled geniuses, and did an interview for a European rock magazine about Zevon's first album, saying that Jackson Browne who produced it, didn't know what the fuck he was doing.
Wachtel got a call from Browne soon after that, and while wishing he hadn't said that, head Browne say that "You're exactly right. I had no clue how to handle him," followed by a offer to have him co-produce the second album, something about werewolves in London and something about lawyers.. The rest is history.
Anyway, things get a bit strange at times. We do have equivalent voices, I suppose, but I still miss the old gang. You have to wonder how Ivins would have reacted to the Bengazi nonsense or how HST would have responded to the Democrats anti-Democratic campaign in 2014. Somehow, I think Zevon's still pretty relevant.
Anyway, a Stephen Pastis cartoon, a botched raid in Yemen, and some aching from a memory in my right calf led me to think about this. I get to link absinthe, Dan George, war, Stephen Pastis in one article in a way that kind of make sense. As Steve Goodman wrote the perfect country and western song with "You Don't Have to Call Me," I have produced the perfect blog post for the 21st century. Sort of. Kinda. But this coda is here's the coda...