i think it's obvious that the liberal establishment actually does not want clinton. try the washpost today: gene robinson, dana milbank, and dan balz are not even tepid. people are talking 'buyer's remorse' nine months before the iowa caucuses. who bought hillary clinton when? when did she win without playing? this is you, killing your own cause. if hillary clinton does not have gene robinson, who the hell can she possibly have? her only positive attribute, other than the gonads she shares with half the world's pop, is that there are no alternatives. that there aren't is extraordinarily irresponsible of the democratic party, yes? where's the goddamn bench? you have someone who could blow up like the world trade at any moment and whom no one actually wants to be president - indeed whom no one could possibly have positive reasons to support because she has no principles or even positions and merely serves the same old billionaires - and you are going to nominate her...why? because your vast pitiful party has no one else? after that, you're going to lose the election. so, time to ditch the unanimity and the mere resignation and try to say something more like what you actually think, gene.